Friday, May 8, 2009

Mortality Sucks!

I have returned, to post fresh drivel dear has indeed been some time since my last twisted tale. I begin this one with a warning, always a good place to begin. If you do not wish to know the plot of the film Marley and Me stop reading now.
Okay but don't say I didn't warn you.I watched a movie two nights ago, a romantic comedy, Jenifer Anisten, Owen Wilson and a golden labrador. Marley and Me. A movie about love, about family about a dog. A movie which one could be forgiven for expecting to leave a certain feel good factor in its shadow. A movie which has led me to the conclusion mortality sucks.
The basic story is, boy meets girl ( although they had already met at start of movie) they move across town. Boy and girl buy a house, boy realises girls next thought will be the pitter patter of tiny feet to fill big quiet house. Boy buys dog to avoid babies...typical boy. Neither boy nor girl have ever had a dog, learning curve in preparation for baby. Boy and girl raise dog. Do an interesting job of it. Decide dog is worst dog ever. Girl gets pregnant. boy and girl have three children. Boy and girl move across town again. By the time all this gets old. Dog gets sick, vet fixes dog. Dog gets sick again. Dog is put down.For anyone who has ever had a pet, who has ever had a sick pet, who has ever had an animal 'put to sleep' this is an incredibly heart wrenching movie to watch.
We become so attached to our pets. Our furry friends. I watched this movie and realised, my cat will one day die. My dog, will die even sooner, he is over ten years old now. he has arthritis.I am getting older. My pets are getting older. Take the time to appreciate those you love, be them furred, winged, scaled or the less unconditional loving kind (human). Realise we are not invincible, that every second really does count.
In the words of my dear cousin...on his thirtieth birthday...Mortality Sucks!

Peace Love and Vet Bills