Friday, November 9, 2007

The Commercial TV Conspiracy

Hello disciples of the drivel I post. I have returned to the land of blog. Strap yourselves in, this will be an exciting ride.

I am sure I am not the only person that has noticed the fact that commercial television stations want us all to pay for cable or satelite. I remember the days when you would sit down to watch an entertaining program, with professional actors and writers that didn't assume you were an idiot! It would seem those days are long gone.

I as a general rule do not watch commercial tv. Not as a political staement, I just don't like to watch crap. I hate adverts and just don't watch them. I don't like reality TV, with the exception of shows like the abbey and is your house killing you? which actually have a point.

Commercial news readers appear to be illiterate, and unable to string a complete sentence together. They finish the news with images of surfing dogs or the nude olympics at maslins beach. That isn't news. If you want to actually see whats happening in the world, I suggest turning to SBS, or better yet the SBS News channel on free to air digital.

I remember the days of the sitcom, family matters and full house. The australian programs like the comedy company, fast forward (later to become full frontal) and the classic hey dad. I read in the paper the other week the highesr=t rating shows were australian programs, Kath and Kim being number 1 ( am I the only person who no longer watches it because now it is a 15min show due to the ridiculous amount of adverts?)

It seems to me that there are only three program choices on commercial tv and they're all crap. You can watch, a game show, an american crime show or a current affairs/border security cops type show. I put the last two in the same category because frankly I cant tell them apart.

If you have noticed that people are getting more and more stupid, here is your reason, they are watching this mind numbing crap all the time. People have no mental stimulation. Good for employers cos it gives them less to think about while they are working. All they think about is work, if they haven't already lost the ability to think all together.

So readers correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that Companies like Foxtel are paying the commercial stations to put crap on, so more people will subscribe to their service.

Peace, Love and the ABC