Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Came and Went or Did It?

Well Ho ho ho or Ha ha ha to the PC among us. I begin this rant by saying I am not a person of religous persausion. Nor am I a disciple of the christmas spirit. How ever, I used to be. I used to love nothing more than to deck the halls and trim the tree, play Bing Crosby's Christmas hits from the 12th to the 26th of December. Roast Turkey with all the trimmings and a flambe pudding with brandy custard. I even participated in a community christmas parade for a number of years.

This year however Christmas seems to have skimmed past a lot of people. I know I am not the only who feels that Christmas was cancelled this year because...I am not ashamed to admit this to you my dear readers on the information super highway...I am an avid listener to talk back radio. Thats right and yes I read the opinion collumn in the paper first too.

The airwaves have been flooded with folk seeking a little of that old fashioned cheer. Remember the days when festivals were celebrated without fear of who may be offended? When Rundle mall had tinsel, baubels and trees. Not to mention those unhappy looking elves down the middle, mind you , you would probably not be smiling either if you had a pole shoved up your butt like they did. When the pianist in DJ's would play white christmas and Jingle bells and deck the halls, and that one about chestnuts on an open fire that very few people in adelaide realise is a christmas song because it so American. How many Chestnuts did you roast this christmas? exactly. The first time I had the brilliant idea to get chestnuts i didn't know you had to cook them. They aren't very nice raw take my word for it.

Anyway the point is, there are hardly any decorations up this year, there are no songs and schools aren't making the milk carton reindeers and stained glass cellophane candles we did. I must confess I didn't send cards this year and I didn't have pudding.

Has anyone considered the people who are offended by the total lack of christmas spirit around? I would like to see all the festivals represented by city wide decorations, Christmas, easter, orthodox easter, Kwonza, Chinese New year, MoonCake festival you name it. the city comes alive for fringe and the V8s Lets not make Adelaide more sterile than it already is.

Peace, Love and the end of Political Correctness

Friday, November 9, 2007

The Commercial TV Conspiracy

Hello disciples of the drivel I post. I have returned to the land of blog. Strap yourselves in, this will be an exciting ride.

I am sure I am not the only person that has noticed the fact that commercial television stations want us all to pay for cable or satelite. I remember the days when you would sit down to watch an entertaining program, with professional actors and writers that didn't assume you were an idiot! It would seem those days are long gone.

I as a general rule do not watch commercial tv. Not as a political staement, I just don't like to watch crap. I hate adverts and just don't watch them. I don't like reality TV, with the exception of shows like the abbey and is your house killing you? which actually have a point.

Commercial news readers appear to be illiterate, and unable to string a complete sentence together. They finish the news with images of surfing dogs or the nude olympics at maslins beach. That isn't news. If you want to actually see whats happening in the world, I suggest turning to SBS, or better yet the SBS News channel on free to air digital.

I remember the days of the sitcom, family matters and full house. The australian programs like the comedy company, fast forward (later to become full frontal) and the classic hey dad. I read in the paper the other week the highesr=t rating shows were australian programs, Kath and Kim being number 1 ( am I the only person who no longer watches it because now it is a 15min show due to the ridiculous amount of adverts?)

It seems to me that there are only three program choices on commercial tv and they're all crap. You can watch, a game show, an american crime show or a current affairs/border security cops type show. I put the last two in the same category because frankly I cant tell them apart.

If you have noticed that people are getting more and more stupid, here is your reason, they are watching this mind numbing crap all the time. People have no mental stimulation. Good for employers cos it gives them less to think about while they are working. All they think about is work, if they haven't already lost the ability to think all together.

So readers correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that Companies like Foxtel are paying the commercial stations to put crap on, so more people will subscribe to their service.

Peace, Love and the ABC

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Fate, God and Science

Fatalism is often referred to as "the doctrine that all events are subject to fate or inevitable predetermination."

Christianity can be described as a monotheistic religion centered on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.

Science is a system of acquiring knowledge based on the scientific method, as well as the organized body of knowledge gained through such research.

Righto, now that is out of the way, I can make my point. I am using Christianity for the sake of this argument, but all religions can be applied here.

In life, we all form opinions, be they our own or someone else’s. Opinion is a very interesting subject; life after all is essentially a series of opinions. Our opinions make up our human conciousness. The funny thing is, the opinions of religious and scientific society often cross over substantially.

In the world of science, we have established that we are made of energy. Those magnificent men in their white coats have also told us that energy can be neither created nor destroyed. In the various faiths we have afterlife, reincarnation and ghosts. So need we be a rocket scientist to see the parallels here?

Time is continuous, space is continuous heaven, hell and eternity…spot the similarities anyone?

Now, there a number of theories to explain what I call fate. Mathematicians would refer to these occurrences as parallel synchronised randomness. Christians call it the will of god. Gamblers call it luck.

There are some things that are just meant to be. Events that will occur regardless of your actions, your ‘free will’ and your personal beliefs. You just won’t realise it.

I will give an example from my personal life. Almost seven years ago, I had a friend. We were best mates. Like Peas and Carrots as my man Forrest would say.

Now the universe isn’t perfect, that’s how we got George Bush. So every now and then, bad things happen. Or things we perceive to be bad anyway, sometimes there is a great reason, sometimes shit happens.

My friend and I had a falling out. Not a fight, not even an argument, just a parting. For six years, we continued on with our lives, in the one horse town of Adelaide, our paths crossing on only two reported occasions.

The first, I remember very clearly. I was on my own in Regent arcade, I spotted my friend, or former friend…and I did what everyone would have. I ran into a wig shop and hid. Brave I know, but at the time that was the best action to take. The ‘incident’ had happened only months before.

The second I think I remember but I can’t be certain. The human brain is an amazing thing. I had finished work; I was with a friend walking down Rundle Mall. I was sighted outside a major supermarket I won’t endorse, and I looked directly into my friend’s eye. Then continued my conversation and kept walking.

Was this the universe trying to throw us at each other? I think so. How many times did we cross paths with out realising? Probably thousands.

On the thirtieth of June last year, I was at a farewell bash, my bar was being closed, services were being removed and a lot of people were losing their jobs. Thanks Johnny.

I was in a bookstore. I was browsing bookmarks. I am told as I walked in to the store, my friend was walking out. She went and worked up some courage and approached me. I was shocked, didn’t recognise her, was in a state of disbelief. Then I was happy.

Only two weeks before I had told a friend I wanted to contact her and thought maybe I could write her a letter. We had coffee and chatted as though we had never been apart. It has been that way ever since.

It is because of this friend that I signed up for a MySpace account. Through MySpace I have been reunited with many a friend I thought were long lost, one in particular who I know will be a friend for life.

The point is this is a chain of events. A chain I could trace back further and link to more people and events. That is how fate works, how life works.

You may not believe this. You may believe it and call it something different. It really doesn’t matter. I have seen fate in action. It isn’t a perfect world. If something is meant to be it will be, eventually. I don’t think you can stop the Universal Forces that Be. Why try? Do you also try and stop Gravity?

Peace, Love and Destiny

Single People of the World Unite

Single People Around the World Need a Spokesperson. I am nominating myself.

Here are some of the reasons I am single;

I choose to be.

I will not settle for anything less than I deserve.

I am my own person and as my own person, I will not be told what I may do when, who I may
do it with and there is no way I will negotiate how I will spend my free time, or who I am
allowed to be friends with.

There are things I need to do on my own, for myself.

I haven't been swept off my feet recently nor am I likely to be in the forseeable future.

I don't believe in doing anything by halves, and at the moment I just don't have enough to give.

I have been in love. I know how it feels. I know how wonderful it is. I also know when I am not in love.

I like to know that at the tender age of 22, I can pick up and move to Vladivostock if I want to.

The person who inspired this know who you are, I hope you are as happy in your dysfunctional relationship, as I am in my entirely functional singledom.

To the well meaning happily coupled friends of single people. We know we are single, don't need to hear the statistics,have friends, families, careers and cats we are not alone.

To the single people who are reading this and have also read my blog about the leper colony and therefore don't approve of me as your spokesperson. Thats ok nominate someone else, I am lazy and run off on tangents anyway. There is probably someone much better for the job. However in the mean time I am taking a stand, because if you don't stand for something you will fall for anything.

Peace, Love and Dinner for One

Wake Up Australia

Wake Up Australia
Ok, I am going to take some inspiration from fellow blogger Danny here. If he can write about a religous issue, I can write about a political issue and we will have broken all the rules of polite conversation. I doubt that many people actually read my blogs, but if you do read this feel free to leave your opinion, I suspect this could get quite heated.
I am referring to the current issue which has been plastered all over the media for the last few weeks. Ofcourse I am talking about Howard's grand plan to "fix" the problems in the Indigenous communities of the remote areas the Northern Territory Near Alice Springs.
I find it utterly amazing that in 2007, the 21st century prohibition is the solution coughed up by the grand poobah, aka little Johnny. Firstly, he tries his damdest to limit free speech with his anti sedition laws, remember that gem he brought in, by the way for those of you not familar with your bible stories, Christ was tried for sedition, so by this account could we then say that this law is unchristian? Since Johno and georgie (bush) seem so insistent on playing the christian card to real in the voters I think drawing this conclusion is most appropriate. I personaly am not a christian but I do believe in the constitution, and for standing up for the causes that so many young men and women died to protect for us and our future generations. Basic human rights such as free speech and choice that Mr. Howard seems so intent to abolish.
Now There is no denying that there is a problem in these communities, child sex abuse, alcoholism and drug abuse are problems. Funnily enough these things are also problems accross the country, particuarly in lower socio economic areas.
Simply banning the sale, consumption and possesion of alcohol or pornography is not the answer as far as I can see. Prohibition has never worked in the past. This segregation, can only cause problems, whats good for the goose is good for the gander, is this not just another example of white man knows best? because certainly if I was put in that position that is what I would think.
Also, surely banning alcohol and pornaography in remote areas will simply drive the problem into the Alice. Having a very negative effect on tourism and therefore the economy, have you thought of that one my tracksuit wearing friend?
The welfare of children is obviously priority number one here, but many in these communities are fearing another stolen generation. I have to say who can blame them, this is supposed to be a democratic country. To me this seems like a law the top dictators throught history would be proud of.
Prohibition, anti sedition, what is next? take back the right to vote, from everyone who isnt a white, anglo saxan, christian, heterosexual male? To me that is the direction in which we are heading if you ask me.
Honestly, why are we going backwards, there has to be a solution, but I for one am quite sure this isn't it. At the same time, I really don't know what the answer is. Only that we should ALL be doing everything in our power, to keep our fellow men, women and children safe, from abuse, addiction and harm.

Wake up Australia.

The Kind of Wisdom that Only Comes From a Really Bad Hangover

I am about to share with you the wisdom that can only be found by going for a long ride on the porcelain bus, ringing your mates Ralph and Huey on the big white telephone and having a tiny elephant wearing lead shoes tapdancing in your head as a result of a big night on the sauce.
Yesterday I was feeling a little seedy, but thought it would be a good idea to have another night of drinking, bigger and better than the first. Wise move I know.
What can I say, Last night I was blind, I only know the events of the latter part of the evening because I have been told what happened by the poor souls who had to witness my transformation from normal, happy go lucky intelligent woman, into rambling, word slurring bogan, who was on a one way street to spew town.
There is however much good that has come from this. I am now able to share with you dear readers, my disciples if you will the kind of enlightenment and wisdom that can only be reached in this manner.
Firstly, Drinking that much is a bad idea. This is obvious you say, yes friends it is, but to fully appreciate just how bad an idea it really is you have be in my position right now. My advice is take my word for it. Kids dont try this at home.
Second, if someone refuses to give you your keys, and says you will thank them in the morning you will.
Third, frozen coke is the cure for what ails you. Your condition will not improve untill you get some, which is problematic, getting the frozen coke requires movement and often driving. If anyone has a solution to this please pass on your wise musings to me. I will be forever in your debt.
Now for the real wisdom. The good thing about these EXTREME hangovers as i like to call them, is that they give you a mindset that can only be achieved in this state.
I was chatting thismorning with two friends of mine. I was not feeling well at all. The topic turned to leprosy. (i did warn you) I said " Leprosy wouldn't be that bad really Leper collonies are always in nice places" Friend 1 looked a little stunned and then burst out laughing. Friend two says "Yeah always on tropical islands" Friend 1 says you are odd. Where do you come up with this!
The point here dear readers is that No matter what hand life deals you, there are two ways to look at it. When you feel like I did thismorning, anything else looks like a better option.
I could sign out with I'm never drinking again, but you would all Know it was a lie.

Peace Out

Bizzarre Eating Habbits....

Ok. Another blog of a culinary nature.
In recent times, I have been discussing food with a number of people. Possibly because of my cullinary career. Now I am often told, I am odd. Just in general. Also that my eating habbits are strange, simply because I like to go to a market buy something I have never heard of before, google it and eat it.
Now, yes my favourite meat is crocodile. I am the ambassador for Celeriac. I am a fan of Jellyfish and I have eaten goat testicles, and deep fried cod sperm. I wont eat sharks fin, monkey brains or birds nest, all for political and animal cruelty reasons. Other than human, that is about the extent of my cullinary restraints. Anything else I'll have a go at.
Now readers, I can see the screwed up faces, the rolling eyes and hear the "ewww gross" coming from your mouths as you read this little rant of mine. Thats fine. If you think my eating habbits are weird, thats cool. But now I am going to tell you what I think constitutes strange eating habbits....are you ready here we go.
I have recently been at the front of the great pine nut debate. My friend not only dislikes pine nuts, but fears them. Is this not a bit odd? I ask you pine nuts evoking fear and terror in diners is that normal?
I discovered that another friend only eats fuji apples. This one gets me, surely it is better to eat apples as they are at their peak, so choose a variety to suit the time of year. Or if you are going to be selective, choose the generally accepted luxury apple, the cream of the crop so to speak, the pink lady, which by the way are fabulous poached in champagne and served with a cinnamon and vanilla spiced cream.
A fellow commercial cookery student only eats the inner core of the carrot. he will not eat the outer section just the moist inner core. Next time you cut a carrot have a look and see the tiny part he uses and disposes of the rest. Its insanity!
Finally, the most bizzare of all. Bean Paste. Sweet Bean Paste is the bain of my exixstence. It is a key ingredient in many asian desserts. Asian desserts as a general rule aren't really my scene, but there are some exceptions. Sweet bean paste is a horrible texture, its overly sweet and yet suprisingly beany, its just wrong. The worst part is they take a perfectly good dish of beautifully crafted green tea ice cream and put that crap on top. Its the equivalent of taking a hand crafted fresh pear and pistachio semi freddo and putting Ice magic on top! Its ludicrous!
Anyway, I just though it was my turn to comment on other peoples eating habbits for a change!

Peace, love and a bean paste free world

Pelican, The Other White Meat

Ok. So I know this is something that not many people people will see my way, but this is my blog, and I'll write what I want. I am currently a full time student of the cullinary arts, as the two or three people who read my rambling blogs are aware. The subject I have been covering this week has been Poultry and game. This I can honestly say is the first subject I have found particuarly interesting...but that is another story. Anyway the point is we were discussing game birds. I must say firstly that i begrudge no one eating any animal as long as it is treated humanley, is either farmed or hunted legally, and is not from a part of the growing bush meat trade. I have no problem with dogmeat being consumed, but I have a very big problem with the unregulated industry, which is unregulated largely due to pressures from "western society" and animal rights extremeists who would rather see the dogs mistreated than legalise officially and regulate the industry, but again I divulge. That too is another story.In Australia game meats, offal and birds are not as popular as other parts of the world. Classical Italian cookery for example includes recipes for wildcat, yet many Australians are squeamish at the thought of a possum pie, or Emu burger or (my absoloute favourite meat) salt and pepper crocodile. In europe, plover, grousse, muttonbird, quail, partridge, wild ducks and geese basically anything that moves is fair game, pardon the pun. Quail and duck are rapidly increasing in popularity here in Oz as are game meats such as goat, rabbit and camel but nothing on europe.Now this brings me to my point. I cannot explain why this thought arrived in my mind, or why it escaped my mouth before my mind could process it, but this often happens to me. In the middle of my theory class, I blurted out, "why doesn't anyone eat pelican?" which ofcourse got me some odd looks and screwed up faces. I am curious though how they kno it isnt nice, they have never tried it. By my logic it should be like a big duck. The other natural response was google it. So google I did.I spent hours, searching for a recipe any evidence of human consumption of pelican meat. I did find 1 recipe but it was on a sight called humorous recipes and was a bit like the age old galah soup recipe. I found a snippet of information about a Native American tribe who ate brown pelican and considered it a delicacy, another tiny piece about the bushmeat trade, flamingos are even consumed, but the pelican is rendered of fat which is believed to be an arthritis cure. I found an uproar about an article published titled 'pelican the other white meat' but couldnt find the article in question. I came across a review of the Minnesota state fair, where a man was convinced he had eaten a deep fried pelican. The best lead was a cook book from the early 1900s which had been scanned page for page and uploaded, I sifted through 15 pages on game birds finally to find a reference to pelican meat, giving very little information, but it did state they are not often eaten as they are not very tasty. This may be true, but nothing is very tasty if it is badly cooked, and it was an old english cook book, so I think that isn't the be all and end all on this topic.Call me crazy, but I am now intrigued, there has to be a reason that there are no pelican farms, no Pelican tenderloin satays in the food courts of the markets. Is it really because it isn't pallatable? do they carry diseases? Or is it simply Mr. Percival syndrome? a sentimental attachment that prevents the farming of other meats such as horse which are popular elsewhere? I personally can't give one animal a greater significance over another, the way I look at the world, if it is ok to farm cows, sheep, chickens, pigs, ostriches, and goats for meat, then it is also ok to farm horse, dog, or lizard for meat. I may not eat it. I may not like the meat. But that doesn't mean it can't be farmed. As long as the industry is regulated. I am an animal rights activist. I believe in the ethical treatment of animals. Conservation is important to me. I sponsor a sea lion. I am dead against battery chickens, unregulated dog farms, and a number of cruel and unnecessary farming practices. Happy animals make good quality meats. I am just intrigued by this notion of its ok to eat a pig, but you cant eat a horse. I am also fascinated to know if anyone can shed any light on the pelican issue? I am really and truly baffled on this one. Let me sign off by saying, I am not suggesting people go and shoot pelicans, I am talking about farming as poultry. Pelicans are a beautiful and majestic bird, I love to watch them. I absoloutley adore them, I am a huge storm boy fan. But hey, I love Steve Irwin, I am in awe of crocs and I really hope they are looked after for future generations, and croc farms are a good management strategy. All these facts considered, Croc tail is the most delicous meat I have ever tasted. I think what it comes down to is I know, given the chance the croc would eat me. Farming granted is not the natural order of things, but it is a dog eat dog world.

peace, love and pelican pie

The Normal People

I will begin this rant with an apology. I have had a substantial ammount of red wine, but I think it will help with my creativity. Most of the great writers drank, or smoked opium...
Anyway, my good friend returned from overseas on Friday. Today we went for a drive to the Barossa. Normally that would mean returning with copius amounts of wine, but we have about a pallette (24 dozen) between us at the moment, so thought we might drink that and then buy some...just a thought.
So we caught up on the past few months of each others lives. Her stories being somewhat more interesting than mine, seeing that she has been touring Europe and I have been going to TAFE, work and the pub...
I have always been told I'm a bit weird, unusual, unique and odd. Over the past few weeks though it seems to have become more frequent. So for the first time in my life, I started to actually give some thought to the whole subject of 'Normality'.
I have quizzed a number of my friends. My favourite quote being from a friend who proudly proclaimed he was "downright eccentric" and he is by the way, that's why I like him. The majority of my friends would say I am odd. That's okay though, they would also say they are somewhat left of centre.
Our conversation today really set in cement my sentiments on the subject. It is quite simple. Those who conform to normality (by the way I include all cliques in this category cos you are in fact conforming to a clique) are missing out on life. The people who keep up with the Joneses. Buy a house in Suburbia, get a big TV and a family car, go shopping in Bali and Skiing at Falls Creek. Wear 'safe' clothes and vote for Mike Rann because they can't remember the other guys name. Those who frown upon living in the moment. You are missing the point of life as I see it.
Life is a gift. If you are reading this, it is a gift you have been given. DON'T WASTE IT. Don't play it safe. Grab the bull by the horns and follow your heart, no matter what you are leaving behind. It will still be there when you get back.
Today I was in Lyndoch. I am 22 years old. I am an adult. I walked through a park. In that park was a play ground. I thought to myself, do you know its been ten years since I have had a swing... So I did just that. I had a swing readers. It was lovelly. I was looking out over vineyards, a favourite sight of mine. Weather was pleasant, was with one of my best friends, and had a swing. It was fun. A simple thing, but it made me incredibly happy. Now, while I performed this act. There was a father and daughter at the playground. The father looked at me with some suspiscion. Why is she on a swing? she is too old for that. You don't see me on a swing.
Well perhaps if those people, who are 'normal'. Who do as is expected, pulled their heads out of their backsides, had an independent thought, realised that life is about more than having the biggest house on the street. Maybe if they had a swing, or went out for a big night on brittos. Perhaps if they stopped looking at those of us who grab the bull by the horns and don't let go, then we would live in a happier world.
Those of us who fall into the unique individuals category, we may be odd, eccentric ans a bit weird, but hey, life is fun for us. Is it fun to be you? If it isnt let me give you one final piece of advice...Life is a banquet and most poor fools are starving to death. So have a second slice of the cake of life, this is no time to diet. Take a dash of eccentricity and hold on tight.
You never hear of the 'odd' people in the world judging the 'normal' people. But the 'normal' people often look down on us. I am proud of my eccentricity, it means I am always entertained. There is a bright side to everything...Leper colonies are in nice places, Skitzophrenics are never lonely. Okay that one was in poor taste but hey, you get that.

Peace, Love and I'm an individual you can't fool me

What You Don't Know About How People See You

Well, where do I start with this one. Tonight I have been chatting with an old friend from highschool. Another soul I have been reunited with through the magic of MySpace. Thanks again Tom, should really send you a fruit basket...maybe I'll just leave a nice comment on your page...anyway.
As you may or may not have read I filled in a few bulletin quizzes today, to pass time when I should be studying ofcourse. One of these was titled, how much have you changed...
In this quiz I answered questions honestly as I always do, because what you see is what you get and I don't make any apologies. One of the questions was how many tattoos do you have? Now for those of you who don't know, I have one. I would like another.(I doubt anyone reading this wouldn't know because I somehow think I have a limited number of readers, just an inkling lol)
Anyway, the reason I bring this up is as I mentioned earlier, I was chatting to an old friend. He said he was shocked I have a tattoo at all. He thinks of them as rebellious, and doesn't think of me as a rebel. Another friend refers to my tat as my tough sticker.
He then went on to tell me he was suprised that I drink. Now readers, I drink. I drink a lot. I don't deny it. He said he laughed when he realised I am a drinker, which he discovered by looking through my photos reading my blogs.
It would seem he had me pegged as a 'good girl'. You know the type, they dont go out much. Certainly don't drink especially not beer. They definatley don't have tattoos. No body piercings. Sweet and innocent.
Now readers, the friend in question was in no way dissaproving, just suprised. We haven't seen each other for 5 years, and I guess a lot happens in that time. But I have to be honest, I don't think I have ever been the sweet and innocent, little house on the prairie good girl type.
I am not offended at all ny this judgement, for want of a better word. I would much rather give that impression than some of the alternatives.
I can tell you now readers, I am full of surprises. I have an opinion on everything, I am all about learning. I wiil say things that others won't. I crave adventure and new experiences. I am coming at life from a whole other angle. Love me or hate me, one things for sure you will never meet anyone else like me.
Now there was a second bulletin of interest to this topic...the be honest now tell me what you really think of me post. I reposted it thinking it was only fair as I had told someone what I think of them...I have recieved suprising and somewhat touching responses.
The point here is, you never really know what people think of you. Or what kind of impression you give. My philosophy is not to worry about it at all. Every now and then I get a suprise like I have tonight. I have to say I was incredibly ammused by the angelic impression I have left on my old friend.

Peace, Love and Suprising Impressions

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

This is my very first blog. I am not sure what exactly I will write about, or how reguarly. I have decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon and see what everyone is raving about.
I look forward to seeing what this evolves into, I am just learning how it all works at the moment, but rest assured, something will happen which I deem to be blogworthy hopefully in the not too distant future, and this will be a much more interesting space.
Untill my first real blog...
Peace, love and happy blogging